How we’re performing

We're fully focused on being a great provider of homes in the Borough and rebuilding confidence in RBH as a great landlord. We know we still have a lot to do, and we'll only know we've got there when you - our customers - tell us that we have.

We need your feedback to help us improve. To get your feedback, we need to be open and transparent about how we're performing - what we're doing well, what we need to do better, and what we're doing in response to what you've told us.

About the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs)

One of the most important ways we measure our performance is through the Tenant Satisfaction Measures, or TSMs. These measures have been introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing in England to assess how well landlords are doing. All social landlords in England have to answer the same questions.

The Government have produced a booklet about these measures and you can download this here if you’d like to know more.

There are 22 measures - 12 customer satisfaction measures taken from our customer survey and 10 information measures which we obtain from our systems.

These measures are newly-introduced for 2023-24 and we are now ready to share our first results with you.

Our results for 2023/24

  • Overall satisfaction

    Taking everything into account, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service provided by RBH? 72.3% said very or fairly satisfied.

  • Keeping homes in good repair
    • How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the overall repairs service from RBH over the last 12 months? We only asked this to customers who have had a repair carried out. 76.9% said they were very or fairly satisfied.
    • How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the time taken to complete your most recent repair after you reported it? We only asked this to customers who have had a repair carried out. 72.2% said they were very or fairly satisfied.
    • How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that RBH provides a home that is well maintained? 73.1% said they were very or fairly satisfied.
    • 98.9% of our homes currently meet the Decent Homes Standard and 1.1% do not. We have a clear plan in place to make sure that all RBH homes meet this standard.
      We completed 80.7% of non-emergency repairs and 90% of emergency repairs within the time we expect to do so.
  • Maintaining building safety
    • Thinking about the condition of the property or building you live in, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you that RBH provides a home that is safe? 80.9% said they were very or fairly satisfied.
    • Our completion rate for safety checks is 99.2% for gas safety checks, 100% for fire risk assessments, 91.6% for asbestos management surveys, 89% for legionella risk assessments, and 97.8% for passenger lift safety checks
  • Respectful and helpful engagement
    • How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that RBH listens to your views and acts upon them? 66.8% said they were very or fairly satisfied.
    • How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that RBH keeps you informed about things that matter to you? 75.6% said they were very or fairly satisfied.
    • To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following “RBH treats me fairly and with respect”? 82.4% agreed or strongly agreed with this statement.
  • Effective handling of complaints
    • How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with RBH’s approach to complaints handling? 36.2% of customers who had submitted a complaint said they were very or fairly satisfied.
    • We received 43.3 stage one complaints per 1,000 homes that we own, and 8.4 stage two complaints per 1,000 homes.
    • We responded to 68.5% of stage one complaints and 81.6% of stage two complaints within the timescales set out in the Ombudsman’s Complaints Handling Code.
  • Responsible neighbourhood management
    • How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that RBH keeps these communal areas clean and well maintained? 70.9% of customers with access to a communal area said they were very or fairly satisfied.
    • How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that RBH makes a positive contribution to your neighbourhood? 74.1% of customers said they were very or fairly satisfied.
    • How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with RBH’s approach to handling anti-social behaviour? 67.8% of customers said they were very or fairly satisfied.
    • We dealt with 41.9 anti-social behaviour cases per 1,000 homes that we own, and 0.9 hate-related anti-social behaviour cases per 1,000 homes.

What happens next?

As these are new measures and new questions, we can’t make a direct comparison with how we performed in previous years, although we’ll be able to do this next year. We can and will share how our performance compares with other landlords later in the year when these figures are published.

You told us at the recent Customer Voice Forums that you’d like the figures to be published regularly, and in a variety of formats so that all customers can access them. We will update our website regularly, including with details of what action we are taking to improve our performance. We will also share this information in our new newsletter, and you will be able to ask us about it at face-to-face events including our drop-in sessions, customer voice forums, and our Annual Members’ Meeting.

More information about how we collect these figures

Our survey is a telephone survey conducted independently by a company called Viewpoint. They currently conduct 200 surveys per month, capturing the views of a range of customers from across the Borough. If during the survey the customer mentions anything they are unhappy about, we ask at the end of the survey if they would be OK for someone from RBH to call them back to discuss. We will always attempt to call back and look to resolve any ongoing problems. We use what we learn from the survey and the call backs to identify areas for improvement.

We have asked Housemark, the leading data and insight company for the UK housing sector, to review our survey methodology and calculations for all 22 measures. They have provided us with assurance that we are following the guidance issued by the Regulator of Social Housing correctly.

Supporting Documents

If you'd like to learn more about our statistical approach to collecting our survey data, this is available in the documents below.