We offer a variety of ways for you to pay your rent, so you can choose the option that is best for you.

You can pay your rent in the following ways:

  • Pay Online - Create a MyRBH account and manage your rent and other charges in one convenient place.
  • Pay by Direct Debit - Debit Direct debit is simplest and most direct way to pay your rent and water to us - and you'll receive a small discount on your bill! It’s up to you how often you make payments…you can pay weekly, fortnightly, monthly or 4 weekly. Call 0800 027 7769 to set up a direct debit.
  • Pay by Standing Order - It’s easy to set up a Standing Order - all you need to do it contact us on 0800 027 7769 and request a Standing Order form which you complete and hand into your own bank. If you don’t have a bank account, get in touch and we’ll help you set one up.
  • Pay by Automated Telephone Service - Pay using our 24/7 automated telephone service on 0808 164 3200 or Freephone 0800 027 7769.
  • Use your Rent Payment Card - Take your rent payment card or barcode letter and pay with cash at any Post Office or PayPoint outlet using your rent card or barcode letter. If you require a replacement rent payment card or barcode letter, please contact us.

Paying Your Rent - Questions & Answers

  • What rent payments do I need to make?

    Your tenancy agreement says that “your rent is due every Monday in advance. You must pay your rent every week, or at any other interval that we agree with you." 

    All customers make a rent payment before they sign their tenancy agreement. For the lifetime of your tenancy you should continue to make your rent payments so that you do not breach the terms of your tenancy agreement. 

    You can choose how often you pay your rent depending on your circumstances, as long as you do not breach the terms of your tenancy agreement: 

    • If you pay your rent every week, you need to pay your rent one week in advance 
    • If you pay your rent every two weeks, you need to pay two weeks in advance 
    • If you pay your rent every four weeks, you need to pay four weeks in advance 
    • If you pay your rent every month, you need to pay one month in advance 

    If you get help with your rent (you might get Housing Benefit or Universal Credit) it is important to make sure that you are making the right rent payments. Your rent payments should not be made in arrears; if you make your rent payments in arrears you will be in breach of your tenancy. agreement.

    If you are worried about your rent payments, you can contact the Income Team who can help you by checking that you are making the right payments.

  • Why is it important for me to pay my rent?

    Paying your rent is important as your payments help to pay for the services we provide, including maintenance and repairs to your home. 

    Paying your rent is part of your contractual agreement (your tenancy agreement) – if you don’t pay your rent, you are breaching your tenancy agreement, which puts your home at risk.  

  • What happens if I don’t pay my rent?

    If you don’t pay your rent, you will receive a Notice of Seeking Possession which is the first step in legal action before a court application to repossess your home is made. 

    Contact us if you think you will struggle to make your rent payments as we will be able to offer you help and support. If you fall into rent arrears, we can discuss setting up a repayment plan to avoid action to repossess your home. 

    If you are struggling and need additional help and support, we can put you in touch with our Money Matters Team.  

    Money Matters Team

  • How do I set up an arrangement?

    You can call us on 01706 274100 (option 2). We will ask to complete an income and expenditure to agree a suitable repayment plan if you can’t clear your rent arrears in full. 

    You can also complete your own income and expenditure in advance of contacting us by clicking here. 

    You can download a copy of your results to email to us, as well as access budgeting advice and support. You can find out more about the financial support we offer customers here: Money Matters | RBH

  • What happens if I receive a Notice of Seeking Possession?

    If you receive a Notice of Seeking Possession, then you must contact us immediately to discuss your rent account as your home is at risk. 

    A Notice of Seeking Possession is valid for 12 months, if your rent arrears are not cleared in full or you do not contact us clear them, we can ask the court to give us permission to take possession of your home. 

    If you have received a Notice of Seeking Possession, it is not too late to contact us and set up a payment plan – we are here to help you stay in your home. We will ask to complete an income and expenditure to agree a suitable repayment plan if you can’t clear your rent arrears in full and look at ways to help and support you. 

  • What happens if I don’t contact the Income Team, but I have received a Notice of Seeking Possession?

    If you do not contact the Income Team and you still have rent arrears, we will have no choice but to ask the court to give us permission to take possession of your home. If we have to do this court costs will be added to your rent arrears. If you are evicted from your home extra costs are added. 

    It is not too late to contact us and set up a payment plan if you are in rent arrears – we want to help you stay in your home.  

Non - payment weeks