Published: 06 February 2025

In Spring last year, we shared our one-year plan for RBH. This strategy focused on being a great provider of homes in the Borough, and rebuilding confidence in RBH as a great landlord. This plan focused on five key themes - our customers, our communities, our people, our homes, and our governance.

We've been working hard to achieve our goals, making sure that RBH has returned to our core purpose. We want to be a landlord that provides good homes that are safe, warm, and free from hazards.

We’re now looking at what our plan should look like for the next three years, and we’d like to invite you to meet with our senior team to talk about what you’d like to see RBH do in the future.

We’re holding five sessions and we’d love you to come along. These are:

  • Hopwood Hall College (Rochdale Campus): Tuesday 11th February – 10am until 12 noon
  • Hopwood Hall College (Rochdale Campus): Tuesday 11th February – 4pm until 7pm
  • Lighthouse Project, Middleton Shopping Centre: Thursday 13th February – 10am until 12 noon
  • Lighthouse Project, Middleton Shopping Centre: Thursday 13th February – 4pm until 7pm
  • Online session: Tuesday 25th February, 6pm until 7pm - click to register

Here’s why we think you should come along:

  • You can meet with our senior RBH team and let them know what you think
  • You can help us to set our priorities for the next three years
  • No registration required for the in-person sessions – just turn up on the day
  • Food and drink will be available at all the sessions
  • We’re holding a prize draw for a £30 shopping voucher at each session – all attendees will be entered into the draw

If you aren’t able to make one of these sessions, we’d still love you to get involved – keep reading!

Our plan for 2025-28

After listening to you, our customers, as well as colleagues and the Representative Body, our Board members think that we should keep these same five themes as we work on our plan for the next three years. This would help us to build on what we've achieved together over the past year, as well as continue to improve in those areas where we know that we have more to do. This is what focusing on these five areas would mean for you:

  • Customers - we'll listen to your views to help shape our services and make sure we deliver them to a high standard.
  • Communities - we want to make our communities great places to live that are successful and reflect the diversity of the Borough
  • People - we'll develop our culture so that RBH is a great place to work that reflects our communities and where colleagues are focused on doing the best for our customers
  • Homes - we'll invest in our homes to ensure they are safe, warm and well maintained places to live that our customers are proud to call home.
  • Governance, Finance & Risk - we'll achieve our goals by making sure we are well-run and that we manage our money and risks well

We'd like to know if you agree that we've got these priorities right. As well as attending our sessions, you can:

  • Share your views with us on these priorities directly by emailing
  • Email or call us on 0800 027 7769 to arrange a call-back to share your views.
  • Do you have a community group that meets on a regular basis that we could come and chat to? Let us know on and we’ll come to you.
  • We’ll also shortly be undertaking a survey of all our customers. You may see this referred to as the “customer census”. Your answers to this survey will also help us to plan for the future. Visit for more information.