Published: 06 February 2024
Three new pieces of street furniture have been installed on Kirkholt following requests made by residents.
Two new benches and a set of handrails have been put in place to help make the area more age friendly after residents spoke with our Age Friendly Advisor. A new bench has been replaced at the bottom of Hilltop Drive following it’s loss after a motor accident last year. A second bench has been placed halfway up Ruskin Road with an L shaped planter, after residents requested somewhere to stop and rest while walking up the steep incline.
In addition, handrails have been placed on a brand-new set of steps adjacent to The Strand on Broadshaw Edge Close to provide easier and safer access for residents.
The Age Friendly Project uses the voice of residents to make the areas of Smallbridge and Kirkholt more age friendly. Partnership boards are held every three months in both areas bringing together residents and partner organisations.
If you are aged 50 and over and would like to get involved in the Age Friendly Project or share your ideas of how the areas can be made more Age Friendly, please contact Becky Earl on email – or telephone 07818 521597.