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To comply with the General Data Protection Regulations we need to obtain your consent to be able to send you this newsletter. If you do not give your consent you will only receive the communications to members required by our Rules i.e. invitations to the Annual Members’ Meeting/Special Members’ Meetings and voting papers for Representative Body elections. Please note that you can withdraw your consent at any time – see our privacy notice to find out how to do this .

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By signing below (i.e. typing your name in the box) you: Agree to be bound by the Rules of the Society. The rules set out our purpose and how our mutual model works. In addition, you commit to pay the sum of one pound (£1.00) if asked to do so. This is the nominal value of your shareholding and it is not the present intention to request payment.

Privacy Notices

Please find a copy of RBH's privacy notices for membership below. If you have any concerns you can contact our Data Protection Officer at

  • Privacy Notice Membership Governance

  • Privacy Notice Membership Marketing & Offers Privacy Notice