Eligibility criteria for RBH Community Funding
RBH Community grants are between £250 up to a maximum of £5000.
Applicants are limited to one project grant in any financial year (1st April to 31st March).
Your group must:
- Be an unincorporated association (community group), registered charity or CIC/CIO (Community Interest Company or Organisation) with a turnover of less than £150,000 in the previous financial year
- Have a bank account open in the name of the group
- Ensure your group is not already running an RBH community fund project - we will only fund one project at a time with your group
- Agree to provide monitoring information on your project as requested by us
- Keep up to date financial records and retain receipts for all goods and services purchased with the grant if you are successful
- Ensure monitoring information for any previous RBH community grant has been completed and submitted to us - you won’t be able to apply to our community fund again until this is completed
Your project must:
- Deliver its funded activities entirely within the borough of Rochdale
- Clearly explain in your application how your project will benefit RBH households and neighbourhoods
- Be completed within 2 years from the receipt of your grant
- Meet any current government guidelines around Covid-19
- Not have already started
If you are a community group based in one of our Independent Living Schemes (ILS), you will not be able to apply - please contact the Community Investment Team via communitypartnership@rbh.org.uk or 01706 273977 to find out about our funding scheme for Independent Living Scheme groups.
What we can and can't help with
- Sessional workers to deliver activities
- Room/venue hire (up to a maximum of £15 per hour)
- Additional venue running costs that are specific to your project
- Equipment hire or purchases needed for your project (this can include a specific item of equipment that benefits individuals participating in a project – for example a slow cooker given to every participant at the end of a cooking on a budget course)
- Training
- Food and drink for participants (up to a maximum of £5 per head)
- Publicity materials for your project (up to a maximum of £500)
- Volunteer expenses (for example transport costs, lunches)
- Projects that duplicate existing provision in your community
- Salaries or paying your own employees
- Day to day running costs of your group - for example utility bills
- Routine repairs and maintenance
- Purchase of motorised vehicles
- Purchase of property
- Purchase of alcohol
- Debts or fines of the organisation
- Political or religious activities
- Fundraising activities for your organisation
- "Fun day" type events or one-off social outings - for example a coach trip to a theme park
- Bouncy castle hire or purchase, nail art, or face painting activities
- Costs you incur when putting together your application
- Things you have already paid for
If your group is not eligible to apply for funding, you can contact our Community Investment Team for advice - we'd be happy to help. Contact us on communitypartnership@rbh.org.uk or 01706 273977.
Our friends at Action Together can also provide information on other sources of grant funding and support to new community groups.