We’ve got some great opportunities for you to make improvements to our services and make things better for you, your family, and your neighbours - more information is available using our menu of engagement on this page.
Why should I get involved with RBH?
- Shape and improve our services
- Share your feedback and make your voice heard
- Make your area a better place to live
- Help us to better understand the needs of our customers
- Meet new people from across the Borough
Will I be able to gain something in return?
As well as helping to shape our services and improve your community, getting involved with RBH is a great way to gain new skills and experience. It could even help to improve your CV and, depending on the role, you could receive training and support to help you to participate.
Will it take a lot of my time?
That’s entirely up to you! We’ve got a range of opportunities, some of which require no commitment and only a few minutes of your time, and some which require more commitment.
I'm in - what do I do now?
Get in touch with our Engagement Team to register your interest - drop them a line on engagement@rbh.org.uk, by calling Freephone 0800 027 7769, or by completing the short form at the bottom of this website page.
You can also view our upcoming events and activities by visiting our website events page.
Service Improvement and Decision Making
Customer Services Committee
- Up to three customers sit on the Customer Services Committee of our Board.
- This is a paid role with a minimum of four meetings per year.
- The committee ensures customers have a say in our strategies and policies.
- We advertise this role when it becomes available and ask for applications.
- We're recruiting now - visit www.rbh.org.uk/csc to find out more! Applications close on Wednesday 11th December 2024.
Representative Body
- Our elected Representative Body includes 15 tenant Representatives and 8 employee Representatives.
- Elections are held every year and the body meets at least four times per year.
- Tasks including reviewing RBH performance and conducting three scrutiny reviews each year.
- Read more about our Representative Body and what they do.
Customer Complaints Panel
- Our Complaints Panel reviews our complaint handling every three months.
- It helps to suggest improvements and reports to the Customer Services Committee.
Policy and Strategy Reviews
- We ask customers to give us feedback when we have a new or updated policy or strategy.
- We hold meetings in person and online and you can also feed back via email.
- You can get involved as much or as little as you like!
In Your Neighbourhood
Customer Voice Forums
- Every quarter we hold a forum in each township - Rochdale, Heywood, Middleton, and Pennines.
- This is a great opportunity to meet the RBH team and partners to discuss local issues.
Independent Living Service (ILS) Get Togethers
- We hold frequent Independent Living Service Get Togethers for customers who live in our ILS schemes.
- It’s a great opportunity to discuss issues with the service managers and make suggestions for improvements.
Community Drop-Ins
- We hold regular drop-ins across the Borough.
- No appointment needed - come and have a chat with us!
- Visit our drop-in page to find out more!
Community Champions
We’re looking for community champions to represent customers in your community and work with the RBH team to improve your neighbourhood.
Residents Associations and Community Groups
We support existing groups across the Borough and our Community Investment Team can also help support you to set up a new group.
High Rise Building Safety
We’ve got a range of opportunities for residents in College Bank to help us to keep our high-rise buildings safe, including a Building Safety Residents Panel, drop-ins, and “walk and talk” events.
Give Feedback
Customer Communications Champions
- Our communications champions help us to create and review communications.
- You can give feedback on letters, newsletters, and social media content.
Complaints and compliments
- We want to know what we are doing well and where we need to improve!
- Email us on customer.complaints@rbh.org.uk, visit our website page, or call 0800 027 7769.
- We carry out a range of surveys over the year, including for our Tenant Satisfaction Measures
- We really appreciate your time when you are asked to complete a survey - thank you.
More Opportunities
Community Diversity Advocates
- Our community diversity advocates help us to promote diversity, inclusion, and wellbeing.
- It’s a great opportunity for you to challenge discrimination and share knowledge.
- There’s no fixed time commitment for this - get involved as much or as little as you can.
Rainbow Roofs
- We’re proud to be part of Rainbow Roofs, which brings together LGBTQ+ customers from social housing providers across the north west of England.
TPAS Membership
We’re members of the Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) which gives customers the opportunity to access events and resources. Ask our Engagement Team for more information.

Get Involved
Complete our short form and a member of the team will be in touch.