A summary of our complaints service performance 2023/24
- A total of 1,343 complaints were received during the year. We received 124 more complaints than in 2022-23 - an increase of 20%.
- The top three business areas where formal complaints were made were in our highest volume customer facing areas of repairs (47%), Neighbourhoods (9%) and Neighbourhood Environmental Team (NET) at 5%.
- 73% of complaints were either upheld or partially upheld, and last year we awarded £139,000 in compensation.
- We received 245 compliments in 2023-24, an increase of 68%. Success stories are shared across RBH so that teams can learn from good practice.
Tenant Satisfaction Measures for the Complaints Service 2023/24
- How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with RBH’s approach to complaints handling? 36.2% of customers who had submitted a complaint said they were very or fairly satisfied.
- We received 43.3 stage one complaints per 1,000 homes that we own, and 8.4 stage two complaints per 1,000 homes.
- We responded to 68.5% of stage one complaints and 81.6% of stage two complaints within the timescales set out in the Ombudsman’s Complaints Handling Code.